foto profil

Emah Khujaemah

Software Engineering | Machine Learning

About Me

My Story

    I am a fresh graduate in software engineering from the Indramayu State of Polytechnic with internship experience as a Web Developer, especially with the Laravel framework. I am actively studying Dicoding and have completed studying Machine Learning the in Bangkit Program. I have an interest in the IT field such as Data Science, DevOps, Network Security etc. I am a fast learner and hard worker in completing the given task. I am committed to professional growth, ready to contribute and innovate within the software development team.

Personal Information

Name : Emah Khujaemah
Collage : Indramayu State Polytechnic
Major : Informatics Engineering
Study Program : D4 Software Engineering

My Project

Book Recommender
Analysis Sentiment ChatGPT

Website thesis used to predict tweets and other sentiments on ChatGPT topics

Github Thesis
Book Recommender
Panel Admin Go Prestasi

Admin panel website to manage data for the GoPrestasi PTN application

Go Prestasi PTN
Project 2
Syousetsu Website

Websites made using the Laravel framework are useful for adding posts, especially about the novel category.

Github Blog-Novel
Project 2
Application Value Recap Website-Based Madrasah Al Barokah Bongas Wetan

Project 3 website which is used to record Madrasah students' grades and export the data to Excel.

Github Proyek 3
Book Recommender
Book Recommender

Website Book Recommender System - Collaborative Filtering Based Recommender made using streamlit.

Github Book Recommender
Project 2
Landing Page

One of the landing pages made by myself using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. I saw the design from the internet and made it from scratch. This landing page is responsive.

Start Bootstrap
Project 2
Rock Paper Scissors Game

A simple website made to be able to play Rock Paper Scissors game with Computer using javascript

Start Game
Project 2
Bookshelf App

Project Dicoding Font-End. Learn to Create a Web Front-End for Beginners. A simple website created to store a history of books that have been read using javascript

Start Bookshelf
Project 2
Anime Finder App

Project Dicoding Font-End. Learn Front-End Web Development Fundamentals. A simple website to search Anime List from API Kitsu Docs using javascript

Github Anime Finder
Project 2
React Quiz App

A simple website makes it possible to do Trivia Quiz using ReactJs.

Start Quiz
Project 2
Counter Sales

Applications built using Android Studio. This application is used to record items on the counter.

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